Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

Today we began with this opener (pdf). We then explored direct and inverse variation via the relationship between the number of teeth on the front and rear sprockets of the gears of a bicycle and the number of wheel revolutions per pedal rotation (lesson, pdf).

Note: If you're having trouble opening the pdf's, it may be a security setting in your browser or add-on browser toolbar. See if it will let you allow pop-ups from this site and that might help. Also try refreshing your browser if it's simply not loading. If neither of those work, try right-clicking on any pdf link, choosing "Save target/link as", and then saving it to your desktop. Then navigate to your desktop and double-click on the pdf to open it. That should work for everyone even if they can't get their browser to open the pdf.

Tonight's homework is:
  1. Finish steps 15 and 16 on page 3 of the lesson (pdf).

  2. In 2005 Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France for a record seventh time. Over the course of the race, his mean (average) speed was 41.7 km/h.

    a) Find his mean (average) speed in ft/sec.

    b) It took him 86 hours, 15 minutes and 2 seconds to complete the Tour de France. How many feet did he go?

    If you're interested in cycling, then you might be interested in these videos - The Science of Cycling (part 1, part 2, part 3).

  3. Don't forget that Wednesday is a late start day. Class begins at 9:21 am, but please make every attempt to be there early (9:15 would be great) since we need to get started right away with our Skype session with Professor Garibaldi (since he has a class that begins at 9:45). If you don't get there early, please come in very quietly. Please remember you are not only representing yourself, but Arapahoe. Thanks.

  4. Check. Your. Google. Apps. Email. (Handy link.)
  5. If you need help with direct and inverse variation, dimensional analysis, or solving one-step equations, please come in and get some help.

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